Command & Conquer Generals

Here you can find statistics for Command & Conquer: Generals including the expansion Zero Hour. Detailed statistics are not available so you can only find the unit, costs and strengths and weaknesess.

When a unit makes a certain amount of kills it gains chevrons, increasing rate of fire, health and damage. Also units with two or three chevrons automatically heal themselves.

Rate of fire: each chevron adds 20%.
Damage: each chevron adds 10%
Health: +20%, +10%, +20%

USARangerInfantry225InfantryLight Vehicles
USAMissile DefenderInfantry300Tank, aircraftInfantry
USAPath FinderInfantry600InfantryLight Vehicles, scouts
USAColonel Burton: Hero UnitInfantry1500-Scouts
USAConstruction DozerVehicles1000--
USACrusaderVehicles900Vehicles, buildingsRocket infantry
USATomahawkVehicles1200Base defensesTanks, aircraft, light vehicles
USAPaladinVehicles1100Tanks, buildings, missile-armed enemiesAircraft
USAChinookAircraft1200-Missile armed infanrty, anti-air defenses
USAComancheAircraft800Tanks, light vehicles, infantryMissile armed infantry, anti-air defenses 
USARaptorAircraft1400Aircraft, tanks, light vehiclesMissile armed infantry, anti-air defenses
USAStealth FighterAircraft1600Enemy base defenses Anti-air defenses, stealth detectors
USAAurora BomberAircraft2500Buildings Anti-air defenses
ChinaRed GuardInfantry300InfantryLight vehicles
ChinaTank HunterInfantry300TanksInfantry
ChinaHackerInfantry625Buildings Infantry, vehicles
ChinaBlack Lotus: Hero UnitInfantry1500Buildings, vehiclesScouts
ChinaConstruction DozerVehicles1000--
ChinaSupply TruckVehicles600--
ChinaBattle MasterVehicles800Tanks, buildingsInfantry, aircraft
ChinaTroop CrawlerVehicles1400Infantry, buildingsTanks, aircraft
ChinaDragon TankVehicles800Infantry, buildingsTanks, aircraft
ChinaGattling Tank Vehicles800Infantry, aircraftTanks
ChinaInferno CannonVehicles900Infantry, base defensesAircraft, tanks
ChinaOverlordVehicles2000Vehicles, buildingsRocket-armed infantry, aircraft
ChinaNuke CannonVehicles1600Buildings, infantryTanks, aircraft
ChinaMigAircraft1200Tanks, light vehiclesMissile armed infantry, anti-air defenses
GLAWorker Infantry200--
GLARebel Infantry150InfantryTanks, light vehicles
GLARPG TrooperInfantry300TanksInfantry
GLATerroristInfantry200Tanks, buildingsInfantry, light vehicles
GLAAngry MobInfantry800Infantry, VehiclesInfantry, light vehicles
GLAHijackerInfantry400Tanks, vehiclesInfantry, scouts
GLAJarmen Kell: Hero UnitInfantry1500InfantryScouts
GLAScorpion TankVehicles600Light vehiclesRocket soldiers, aircrafts
GLATechnicalVehicles500InfantryTanks, aircraft
GLARadar VanVehicles500Stealty unitsArmed units
GLAToxin TracktorVehicles600InfantryTanks, aircraft, base defenses
GLAQuad CannonVehicles700Infantry, aircraftTanks
GLARocket Buggy Vehicles900Infantry, buildingsAircraft, tanks
GLAMarauder TankVehicles800Light vehicles, buildingsAircraft, rocket soldiers
GLABomb TruckVehicles1200Infantry, buildingsScouts
GLASCUD LauncherVehicles1200Infantry, buildingsAircraft, tanks
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